LINK TO US Use our logos and/or these descriptions to Link to us. You may also use a relevant botton/text of your creation to link to us: ARTSYARD CENTRAL: Cyber Colony for the Arts http://artsyard.tripod.com Artsyard provides temporary and permanent residencies to professionals in the arts in any part of the world. Room and board is free to the resident artists. Scholars, Aestheticians, Art Writers, Curators, Art Educators, Multidisciplinary Artists, and others with Inter-Arts Experience are equally welcome to the colony. The ulterior interest of this colony is to promote networking among the residents. Artsyard has Links Café, studios, Reading Room, Children's Room as well as Arts Exchange Worldwide where you can auction, rent or trade in your piece, idea, or service.
AFROPOETS: Celebrates the Diversity of Works by Poets of Africa and African Diaspora.
http://afropoets.tripod.com From classical to avant-garde poetry, from dramatic monologue to oral poetry, from artlyric (poetry-inspired art) to the poetics of the arts, and from continental Africa to the Diaspora Europe, America and the Caribbean... Also featured on this site is the visual art of Barthosa Nkurumeh. Are you a poet or a writer on poets of African descent? Contact the Afropoets curator with your best works.
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